WINTER BLUES: 20% off Single & Couples Floats every WEEKDAY in July. Use the code 'WEEKDAY' at checkout.

The Float Tank Cure


The Float Tank Cure by Shane Stott

Free Yourself from Stress, Anxiety, and Pain the Natural Way

Weightless. Calm. Meditative. Free. These are words people from all over the world use to describe what it is to float. In this long-awaited book, Shane Stott shares his personal journey and professional insights into the Float Cure. For millions of people floating is not only a method of healing and meditation, but a journey to a higher state of wellness and being. With new scientific research illuminating the multifaceted benefits of floating, and the practice becoming more available, the time to float is now. Join with Shane on this journey, and experience the cure. "Without a doubt, Shane is a high achiever. Not because he's never failed or fallen but because he keeps getting back up. His persistence and dedication to whole life success are inspiring. Read this book and you'll be inspired too "--DARREN HARDY, Publisher SUCCESS and New York Times Bestselling Author of The Compound Effect. (Float Tanks are often referred to as: Isolation Tanks, Sensory Deprivation Tanks, Isolation Chambers, Float Chambers, or a mix of those keywords.)